Visine “Pirate”
Look Mom! My first National TV spot, for the good folks at Visine. Pardon the wall color, it was 2010 and espresso colored furniture was hot. Take notice of the books and vinyl, the artists I was blessed to work with on this were some of the best in the world.
Agency: JWT New York
Director: Karni Baghdikian
Executive Producer: Kelli Bixler
Agency Producer: Ali Issari
Copywriter: Lesley Coleman
Copywriter: Bonnie Pihl
Animator: Teresa Drilling
Director of Photography: Shea Formaneck
Production Designer: Scott Hardman
Artist: Megan Burns
Puppet Painter: Robyn Yannoukos
Animatic & Post VFX: Brian Kokoszka
Animation Studio: Bix Pix Entertainment